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在当今“互联网 ”时代,我们的英语教育和学习“出了什么问题”?

在当今“互联网 ”时代学习英语,在这个因为互联网的存在已经不再像过去那样“教”与“学”之间有“信息差”的时代,我们在努力学习“用英语怎么说”的“英语知识”时,为什么不能“顺带”同时学习和训练我们通过Yahoo“探索发现求证”解决这个“用英语怎么说”的问题的能力(学习力)呢?

为什么依然像过去那样只关心“鱼”,而把“互联网 ”“扔一边”,”不在乎“渔”呢?


对于这些问题的“学习”,如果你只想要“鱼”,到百度或某号上搜索一下,大把老师在“直接告诉你答案”。但是,如果你想要“渔”,就需要同时训练自己Yahoo Is Everything,“探索发现求证”,用“学习力”解决问题的能力。




1.What is your exams/examination/test result

2.I got full points in exams



Yahoo what is your exams examination test result


1.Exam scoring and score reports

For most exams, you will receive your pass or fail result within a few minutes of completing your exam. You’ll also receive a report with your exam score and feedback on your performance in the skill areas measured. Exams with labs may take longer to score, and you may have to wait about 30 minutes before receiving your score report.


Okay.I got you.If you want to know your exsms result,you can say: Score.What is your exams score?


2.Exam Results information

We take great care in marking and grading your work, but occasionally something can go wrong. This is why we have an ‘enquiries about results’ service. If you have questions about your grade, talk to your school first who will be able to advise you.


Okay.I got you.You can also say What's your mark or grade?

我们也可以用I got full points in exams去“探索发现求证”试试:

Yahoo i got full points in exams


1.What Is an AP Test Perfect Score?

If you earn a perfect score on an AP exam, that means that you received every point possible on the exam. In other words, you answered every multiple-choice question correctly and scored the maximum amount of points on every free-response question. That's pretty impressive! How does this relate to the score you get from 1-5?

2. If you allow yourself more than one word, you can say "I earned a perfect score on the exam"—which sounds more precise (and a bit less informally cocky) than "I aced the exam."

"I got 100 on the test" would be a perfectly normal statement (for some students). Or "I got a perfect score."

看到里面的earn a perfect score on an AP exam,I aced the exam,I got 100 on the test没有?他们就是我们用“渔”找到的“鱼”。


1.Okay.I got you.If you answer evety question correctly,you csn say I earn a perfect score in my exams.

2.We can also say I aced my exams or I got 100 on it.


“互联网 ”时代,不给“渔”,毋宁死!


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