Inviting you to go to the lovely countryside for sightseeing this weekend, I make a plan well in advance that is convenient to you. This tells you about the information on six persons and two days, and about how to go there and what activity to do in weekend. The information includes persons who are you together with your father and mother, and I with my father and mother. These people go there by jeep that my father would drive. We arrive at your home on Saturday at 7:00 morning when we meet each other, leaving your home for the countryside. It takes us 2-hour time to get there by jeep.
During the trip, everything is going in the schedule. This means that fruits are to pick and green vegetables to have eaten according to farmers. They could cook popularly local food or traditional dishes for us 6 people, tourists. At dinner, they will ask six of us to eat meals deliciously while watching local people dance to the beautifully-music songs to sing popularly for us.
The next day we shall do physical exercise at ten by climbing the mountain, that will last 2-hour time, to give us a tremendous sense of achievement. Picnic is to have on the mountain where we do some sightseeing. This, we find it pleasant for us to have in Summer when the weather has become warmer. The above plan keeps us happy, helping us with health to make the trip enjoyable in 2-day time, in my belief.
英语为母语的人,都把逻辑单句和逻辑组句及明暗逻辑应用作为习惯。这样句中的词法或句子都已固定了,无须我们考生再把“写作句子”重新组合了。也就是说:自己如把句子重新组合很有可能按中文思维句子顺序组合成英语句子,所以出现语法错误几率就大大增加了。由此我们使用英语为母语的人已固定为正确的“现成的句子架构”——六优化=“2.66”逻辑 “5.38”句 6变形法——英文“内容·语法·逻辑”三位一体自然也就正确无误了。这样巧妙的“组装”如智慧游戏一样,事半功倍加分数!看来重视中考英语作文逻辑思维写作是必要的。如此才能理解——要通过什么才能把大考英语写成像一场智慧游戏一样,事半功倍得分数呢?——之道理了。
《要通过什么才能把大考英语写成像一场智慧游戏 事半功倍得分呢?》一文阐述:英语写作如一场智慧游戏,要做到事半功倍得高分,关键在于运用逻辑思维。学生可以通过“两图三表”的方法提高写作水平独立写出优秀的英语作文。
1. 两图三表的运用:“两图三表”指的是英语思维逻辑写作思路图、英语思维逻辑递进式图、明、暗逻辑表达形式沟通表、思维逻辑单句表和逻辑思维单句组合表。
2. 制定旅游计划:一名初中生代表其家长向其好友同学之家长邀请周末旅游,人数为六人,时间为两天。周六早上7点在好友家门口集合,开私家车去农村采摘水果,住农家院,看当地歌舞表演,爬山观光等活动。
3. 重视逻辑思维:英语写作不仅要注重语法和词汇,更要重视逻辑思维。只有掌握了逻辑思维,才能写出高质量的英语作文。