

首页技巧更新时间:2024-07-28 19:26:29

文 | 季益广


1. Do you ___ your job?你喜欢自己的工作吗?

2. It was the first ___ job I ever had.这是我第一份拿工资的工作。

3. He’s been ___ the job for six years.他干这份工作有六年了。

4. I’m looking ___ a new job.我在找一份新工作。

5. Your pension can be ___ if you change jobs.换工作的话,会影响到你的退休金。

6. ___ kids can be a difficult job.抚养孩子可是件难事。

7. It’s my job to make ___ the work is finished on time.我的任务是确保工作按时完成。

8. The job of the jury is to assess the ___ of the witness.陪审团的职责是判断证人是否可信。

9. I was given the job of making sure that everyone ___ enough to drink.给我的任务是确保每个人都有足够喝的。

10. All too often councils ___ down on the job of keeping the streets clean.市政服务机构屡屡未能尽到保持街道清洁的职责。

11. My parents were always ___ little jobs for me to do.父母老是找些小事情给我做。

12. Filleting fish can be quite a ___ job.剔鱼骨可是件麻烦事。

13. Tiling the bathroom is going to be a ___ job.给浴室贴瓷砖将是个大工程。

14. Sam does ___ jobs for friends and neighbors.萨姆为朋友和邻居打零工。

15. The job of choosing the right computer for you is ___ easy by this magazine.有了这本杂志,给你挑选一台合适的电脑就变得容易了。

16. We need to get on with the job of finding someone to ___ him.我们要继续找人来替代他。

17. Whoever did the plastering did a ___ job.抹泥灰的那个人干得真不错。

18. She ___ doing the cleaning, but she always makes a good job of it.她不喜欢做清洁工作,但一直做得很出色。

19. Most clerical training is done on the ___.大部分文书培训都是在职进行的。

20. We’ve got some of our ___ people on the job.我们有一些优秀的人才在做这项工作。

21. When she ___ college, she got a job as an editor in a publishing company.她大学毕业后在一家出版社做编辑。

22. She found it very difficult trying to ___ up two children while doing a full-time job.她觉得一边抚养两个孩子一边干全职工作很难。

23. He has a ___-time job working in a garage.他在一家汽车修理厂兼职。

24. After 10 years as a ___ journalist, she finally got a steady job working for The Sydney Morning Herald.当了十年的自由撰稿人后,她最后在《悉尼先驱早报》找到了份稳定工作。

25. Clive’s got a ___ job working in a pub over the summer.夏天克莱夫在一家小酒馆当临时工。

26. She’s applied for a job ___ an insurance company.她已经向一家保险公司申请工作了。

27. The new supermarket will ___ 50 new jobs in the area.这家新超市将在本地区创造五十个就业机会。

28. Are you going to give up your job when you ___ your baby?你有了孩子后会放弃工作吗?

29. The government is encouraging companies to provide new jobs for the unemployment with job creation ___.政府出台就业创造计划鼓励各公司为失业者提供新的工作。

30. If the company is to increase its ___, there will have to be job cuts.公司想增加利润的话,即必须裁员。

31. The ___ of the factory will result in heavy job losses.关闭工厂会导致严重的失业。

32. He’s never managed to ___ down a regular job in his life.他一生总是没法保住一份固定的工作。

33. I used to have a nine-to-five job in an office, but now I ___ my own business.以前我在一家营业所从九点干到五点,而现在我开了自己的营业所。

34. He lost his job as ___ guard after falling asleep on the job.他上班时睡觉,于是丢了保安的工作。

35. Her new employers have ___ her on-the-job training.他的新老板为她提供了在职培训。

36. How long have you been ___ of a job?你失业多久了?

37. She decided to leave a ___ job in advertising to do charity work.她决定辞去在广告业的高级职位而从事慈善事业。

38. After a disastrous first month in office, many people are beginning to wonder if the new president is ___ to the job.灾难般的第一个月过去后,许多人开始怀疑新总统能否胜任。

39. The council has denied ___ of the jobs for the boys, but it’s well known that its supporters have been given important contracts.委员会否认对裙带关系的指控,但众所周知,其支持获得了重要的合同。

40. It’s more than my job’s ___ to lend you the key.我如果把钥匙借给你,就要冒丢掉工作的危险。

41. Many people are more interested in job satisfaction than in ___ large amounts of money.许多人对工作满意比赚很多钱更感兴趣。

42. There is a lack of job ___ in professions such as acting and journalism in which people are only employed for short periods of time.演员和记者的工作缺乏保障,他们只是被短期雇佣。

43. He’s been ___ for the past six months.他已经失业六个月了。

44. The council has been ___ training schemes for the jobless.议会一直为失业者实行培训计划。

45. The jobless ___ reached four million this week.本周的失业总数已达400万。

46. Joblessness can ___ poverty, depression and frustration.失业会造成贫穷,抑郁和失意。

47. ‘How long will the work ___ you?’ ‘I should get the job done by lunchtime.’“这活儿你要干多久?”“我该在午饭前干完。”

48. A food processor ___ the job of preparing food a lot easier.一个食品加工机使做饭容易了许多。

49. He spent the afternoon doing jobs ___ the house, such as putting up shelves and repairing the broken pipe in the kitchen.他一下午都在干屋里的活,譬如装架子,修厨房里的漏管道。

50. The living room ___ needs a paint job, but we just haven’t got the time to do it at the moment.起居室急需油漆,可我们现在没时间干。

51. Will you be able to carry all the ___ back home on your bike or will it have to be a car job?你能把买来的东西都用自行车搬回去吗,或者你要用汽车?

52. I don’t have a box large enough to ___ all your books in, but this bag should do the job.我没有一个大箱子能把你所有的书都放进去,但这个袋子应该能行。

53. I didn’t think Chris would be any good at fund ___ for the society, but she seems to be doing a good job.我原以为克里斯干不好为社团筹集资金的事,可她似乎干得很出色。

54. The dry cleaner’s did a good job of removing that oil ___ from my shirt.干洗店把我衬衫上的油渍去除得很干净。

55. She did a splendid job of ___ the house for the party.她为了晚会把房子装饰得非常漂亮。

56. I’m not going to ___ him repair my car again because he made a really bad job of it last time.我不准备再让他修我的车,因为上次他修得糟透了。

57. Don’t worry about what you have to do next week – just concentrate on the job ___ hand.别为下星期你必须做的事担心 – 先集中精力对付手头的工作。

58. We need ___ who has experience in marketing and teaching, and I think Alex is just the woman for the job.我们需要一个在营销和教学方面有经验的人,而我认为亚历克斯是干这件工作最合适的人。

59. She believed her job as a politician was to ___ the views of her party and the people who voted for her.她认为作为一名政治家她的职责是代表她的政党和选民的观点。

60. I know it’s not my job to tell you how to ___ your life, but I do think you’ve made a mistake.我知道告诉你该怎么生活不是我的事儿,但我的确认为你犯了错误。

61. It was a real job getting the wheel ___ the truck.把卡车车轮卸下来,可真费劲。

62. We were only given an hour to ___ the exam, and I had a job finishing the paper.我们考试的时间只有一个小时,我好不容易才做完了卷子。

63. What a job it was, trying to ___ her to come with us.要劝她和我们一起去,可太费劲了!

64. ‘I’d like to speak to Ernest Brown,’ ‘You’ll ___ a job – he’s been dead five years!’“我想找欧内斯特·布朗。”“那可太难了 – 他死了五年了!”

65. ‘What sort of car are you interested in?’ ‘I really like that red ___ job in the showroom window.’“你喜欢哪种汽车?”“我真喜欢展览厅橱窗里的那种红色跑车。”

66. He was put in prison for five years for doing a ___ job.他盗窃银行,被判刑五年。

67. I’m only ___ my job.我只是在做分内的事。

68. It’s ___ than my job’s worth.那会让我丢饭碗的。

69. A little more glue should do the ___.再加一点胶水就成了。

70. When we scored three times in the first half, we thought, ‘Job ___.’上半场我们进了三个球,当时我们就想:“赢定了。”

71. I think we might have a job ___ in town.我觉得我们在商业区找到停车位可能很难。

72. The sun does quite a job ___ people’s skin.太阳光对人的皮肤相当有害。

73. Police believe it was an ___ job.警方认为这是一起内部盗窃案。

74. She looks completely different in this photo – she must have had a ___ job.这张照片上的她看起来完全不一样 – 她肯定是整过鼻子了。

75. This bag is just the job for carrying your sports ___.这个包正好可以用来装你的运动装备。

76. Jack’s got a new car – a red ___-seater job.杰克买了辆新车, 是红色,双人座的那种。

77. The council chief was ___ over allegations for jobs for the boys.市政会主席因被指控任人唯亲而被停职。

78. Mark doesn’t have a job right ___.马克目前没有工作。

79. I’ve applied ___ a job at the university.我已申请了一份大学里的工作。

80. Well, Miss Taylor, we’d like to ___ you the job.好吧,泰勒小姐,我们想把这份工作给你。

81. Eventually, Mary got a job as a ___.玛丽最后找到了一份女服务员的工作。

82. My husband finally ___ a job in marketing.我丈夫最后竟得到了一份做营销的工作。

83. I was so ___ that I took the first job that came along.我走投无路,遇到第一份工作就接受了。

84. The job is only temporary, but I’m hoping it will be made ___.这只是份临时工作,但我希望以后能转成长久的。

85. He had a part-time job at the ___ shop.他在宠物店干一份兼职工作。

86. I haven’t had a ___ job since last March.去年三月以来我就一直没有稳定的工作。

87. He left a ___-end job.他辞去了一份没有前途的低薪工作。

88. Levels of job satisfaction ___ between departments.各部门的工作满意度各不相同。

89. As an actor, he has very ___ job security.身为演员,他的工作很不稳定。

90. The factory is ___, with 600 job losses.这家工厂将要关闭,会导致600人失业。

91. He graduated from college last year and is still looking for ___.他去年大学毕业,至今仍在找工作。

92. There are now a lot more women in the ___ profession.现在从事法律行业的女性多了许多。

93. Many teachers are leaving the ___.目前有许多教师离开教育行业。

94. Please give your name, age, and ___.请填写你的姓名,年龄和职业。

95. I’m interested in a ___ in journalism.我有意从事新闻工作。

96. I’m writing to apply for the ___ of technical assistant.我写信来申请技术助理一职。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 enjoy 2 paid 3 in 4 for 5 affected 6 Raising 7 sure 8 credibility 9 had 10 fall 11 finding 12 fiddly 13 big 14 odd 15 made 16 replace 17 brilliant 18 hates 19 job 20 best 21 left 22 bring 23 part 24 freelance 25 temporary 26 with 27 create 28 have 29 schemes 30 profits 31 closure 32 hold 33 run 34 security 35 offered 36 out 37 top 38 up 39 accusations 40 worth 41 earning 42 security 43 jobless 44 running 45 total 46 cause 47 take 48 makes 49 around 50 badly 51 shopping 52 fit 53 raising 54 stain 55 decorating 56 let 57 in 58 someone 59 represent 60 run 61 off 62 do 63 persuade 64 have 65 sports 66 bank 67 doing 68 more 69 job 70 done 71 parking 72 on 73 inside 74 nose 75 gear 76 two 77 suspended 78 now 79 for 80 offer 81 waitress 82 landed 83 desperate 84 permanent 85 pet 86 steady 87 dead 88 vary 89 little 90 closing 91 work 92 legal 93 profession 94 occupation 95 career 96 position


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