In 1950, a young couple stopped in London, Kentucky, for lunch and left with a souvenir from the police. It was a small red card placed under their car’s windshield wiper(风挡雨刮器).
Seven decades later, the man returned the card that his wife kept with her at all times. She passed away and he wanted the department to know what their small of kindness meant to them.
“While being sad to learn of the background of this letter, the London Police Department was touched to learn that an act of kindness by one of our officers 71 years ago positively impacted a young couple just starting out and passing through our little town,” a spokesperson for the department wrote on Facebook.
The letter reads:
To London Police Dept,
Back in 1950 my wife and I stopped in your city for lunch & when we left, this little card was under my wiper. For two 17 yr. olds we didn’t have extra money for a parking ticket. My wife carried this card in all her wallets since then & we often talked about how kind your city is. I have lost her & just wanted to send this. Thank you.
1 . What does the underlined word “souvenir” refer to?
A A note of the UK.
B A windshield wiper.
C A parking ticket.
D A small red card.
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