

首页英语更新时间:2024-09-01 04:13:40

B.Technical Terms.(30)

1 CAM system programming( ) 2 servo system ( )

3 open loop system ( ) 4 servo motor ( )

5 drawing instrument ( ) 6 part drawing ( )

7 on-board ( ) 8 machine control unit ( )

9 hard wire ( ) 10 drive motor ( )

11 tool changer ( ) 12 tool path ( )

13 conversationzl programming ( ) 14 tool path plot ( )

15 manual programming ( )

C.Finish the dialogue.(20)

Jone:Do you have ( )idea about servo systems?

Mary:Yes.I have ( ) idea ( ) it. The ( ) common servo control system in use are the open loop and the closedloop system.

Jone:Oh,I see. Well, what’s the difference ( ) them?

Mary:An open loop system utilizes stepping motors to create machine movements ( ) a closedloop system uses servo motors to execute machine movements.

Jone:Could you tell me ( ) about open loop systems?

Mary:Yes, of course. Open ( ) systems have recently gained renewed interest ( ) CNC applications.

Jone:Thank you very much ( ) your help.

D. Translation. (40)

1. --Do you know who invented the CAD software?

--Sorry, but I know this software is very helpful in drawing.

2. --How often do you communicate with you parents in US?

--We have a net chat each day through QQ.

3. --Will you please tell me something about Computer-aided manufacturing?

--Certainly. CAM is a system of using computer technology to assist the manufacturing process.

4. –-Do you have any idea about CAD/CAM system?

--The system takes the computer-generated design and feeds it directly into the manufacturing system..

5. –Through the use of CAM , a factory can become highly automated.

--Thanks for your clear explanation.


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