

首页英语更新时间:2024-07-24 14:33:04







好啦 废话不多说 进入正题叭~

I. Teaching contents


一、课型 主要内容

Thisis a 课型(听说课,阅读课,写作课等)lesson. It talks about...(此位置可以写标题或者自己总结出文章的主要内容)


Thegiven reading material introduces/shows/...(同上)

II. Teaching Objectives

1.Students will understand the new words/expressions/sentence structures correctly, including______.(单词、句子)

2.Students will understand the content/topic of thepassage/material and learn more about_______.(话题)

3. Students will know the structure/form of thewriting.(结构)

Knowledge Objectives

1.Students will understand the new words/expressions/sentence structures correctly, including______.(单词、句子)

2.Students will understand the content/topic of thepassage/material and learn more about_______.(话题)

3. Students will know the structure/form of thewriting.(结构)

常用动词:learn; know;recognize; get; comprehend...

Ability Objectives

1.Students can improve their listening abilities andgrab the key information through listening activities.(听)

2.Students can express their opinions about_____byusing the target language(说)

3.Students will be able to use different basic readingstrategies like prediction/skimming/scanning correctly in their readingprocess. (读)

4.Students can write a passage with the certaintopic_______through imitation and practice. (写)

常用动词:describe; express; talk about; retell; apply.

Emotional Objectives


Students can develop a habit of_(关于文章内容的).

Students canrealize the importance of_(同上).


1.Students can foster the interest and desire oflearning English and be fond of taking part in kinds of class activities.(兴趣、爱好)

2.Students can improve the confidence of learningEnglish and be not afraid of speaking English in public.(自信心)

3.Students can cooperate with other group matesactively and complete the tasks together.(团队合作)

常用动词:love; cherish; care about, respect...

III.Key and difficult points:

(1)Key point(s)

• Help students know the meaning and usage of the new words/phrasesand sentence pattern.

• To understand the content of this lesson through listening.

(2)Difficult point(s)

How to talk about/describe the new topic correctly andfluently.


Key and difficult points:以教师为主导;概括)

IV. Major steps

Step 1 Lead-in(4 mins)

After greeting students, the teacher will show thepicture/photo/video of____(关于文章)and ask one question: “_(这个可以自己来提问简单一点的问题)”, then invitesome volunteers to share their answers.After that, the teacher will givecorresponding comments to students' answers and show the topic/task of this lesson.

(Justification: The picture/photo/video is vivid andinteresting, which can arouse students' interest to the teaching activity.Meanwhile, it can also lead to the topic today naturally)

Step 5 Summary and homework(5 mins)


Ask students to act as an assistant teacher toconclude what they have learned this class. And then make a summary together.

(Justification:Reviewing the important knowledge in this lesson can deepenstudents' impression and form good study habits.)


(1) Retell the passage after the class.

(2) Search more information about______and share withothers next class.

(Justification: Retelling can help students sort outthe course content, while the task of collecting information can help studentsactively explore more knowledge and information.)

最后的这个Major steps 是要根据时间限制来写的,如果是40分钟就要把这两个部分加上,如果是20分钟的话就不要加了,那么应该怎么写,会在之后具体每一篇的时候给大家总结的!






Major Steps:

Step 1 Pre-reading(6 mins)

(1) Prediction

Before reading, the teacher will guide students tomake a prediction. The teacher will present some hints to help them.

Hint 1: Title of this material-(有的文章是注有标题的,没有的话就自己总结一下重点)

Hint 2: Key words and sentences presented in thepassage like(在给的材料中找一些适合的单词或者短语)

(2)Words/Phrases explanation

The teacher will explain some new and difficult words/phrases like (刚刚上边写过的再抄下来就可以啦).Students will use thosewords to make sentences.

(Justification: Through above activities, Studentswill be prepared to read and can understand the material better)

( Through learning new words/phrases, students canclear the obstacle in the reading material, which can make reading easier.)

(Through prediction, students will be more curiousabout the reading material, and be more willing to read it.)

( Prediction can arouse students' curiosity and make agood preparation for the next step.)

Step 2 While-reading(9 mins)

(1)Global reading

① Skimming

Students will have 2~3 minutes to read the passage forthe first time to check their prediction and conclude the main idea of thepassage.

② Scanning

Students will read the passage again to locate certaininformation and answer the following questions:____________________?____________________?

(Justification: Through fast reading, students willhave a general understanding of this passage.)

• Through fast reading , students can not only grasp the main idea ofthis passage, butalso train their skimming andscanning skills.

• Through fast reading, students can not only grasp the main idea ofthis passage, but also accumulate some new expressions.

• Through fast reading, students can not only grasp the main idea ofthis passage, but also accumulate some new words and their contextual usage,which lays a good foundation for the following careful reading.

(2)Detailed reading

Students should read the passage for the third timeand do the following tasks:

①True or False


②Matching/ Form-filling/Mind mapping


(Justification: Through above reading activities,students will not only understand the main idea and details of this readingmaterial, but also improve their reading ability. )

Step 3 Post-reading(5 mins)

Group discussion/Do a survey:

Students need to work in groups to discuss thefollowing question/do a survey about (和材料有关的内容就可以)by using the key words/phrasesand sentences.Several minutes will be given. When time's up, severalstudents will be invited to share their answers. Then the teacher will commenton students' performance.

(Justification: This task can arouse students’interest and involve the whole class. Also, by group discussion, students'critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed.

(They will bemore confident to share their opinions in public. )

(They will be willing tocooperate with others.)

每个活动的Justification 列举了不止一条,只用选择一条进行记忆就可以了~







写作课的Major Steps:

Step 1 Pre-writing(8 mins)

1. Learn about the sample.

(1)The teacher will guide students to read the sampleto summarize the topic of it.Then students will answer some questions about thesample/find the supporting ideas of the topic:




(2) Students will read the sample again to summarizethe basic structure of ______, and they should also pay attention to the topicsentences, transitional words, logicalrelations and so on.

2.Conceivewriting material.

Students will work in groups of four to talk about__________and write down some ideas. Representatives from each group will sharetheir discussion results, including some useful phrases, sentences and so on.

(Justification:Through above activities, students willbe prepared to write their own composition. They will know how to write andwhat to write.)

Step 2 While-writing (7 mins)


Students will write an outline of_______firstly underthe guidance of the teacher.

2. Drafting

Students should write their own compositions based onthe expressions they get from above activities and they should keep a watchfuleye on the spelling, grammar, punctuation and so on. In the meantime, theteacher will walk around to offer help if necessary.

(Justification: Through above two activities, studentswill finish their writings and their writing ability will be improved.)

Step 3 Post-writing (5 mins)

1. Editing

(1)Self-editing: The teacher will give students ashort time to go through their writings to correct mistakes in spelling andgrammar;

(2)Peer-editing: Students will exchange theircompositions with each other and correct mistakes in spelling and grammar; Theycan also give suggestions about polishing with each other.

2.Display and Evaluation

The teacher will invite some students to share theirpassages with the whole class and guide other students to evaluate thesepassages, then the teacher will make a conclusion.

(Justification: Through these activities, studentswill regulate their language and work out better ideas or expressions, and theywill improve their writing skill. Besides, they will be more willing to share theirideas in public and learn from each other. )








Step 1Pre-listening(6 mins)

(1) Prediction

Before listening, the teacher will guide students tomake a prediction. The teacher will present some hints to help them.

Hint 1: Title of this material-________.

Hint 2: Some pictures/ videos in which students cansee___________.

(2)Words/Phrases explanation

The teacher will explain some new and difficult words/phrases like ______________________.Students will use those words to make sentences.

(Justification: Through above activities, studentswill be prepared to listen and can understand the material better)

Step 2 While-listening(9 mins)

(1)Extensive listening

Students will listen to the passage for first time tocheck their prediction and conclude the main idea of the passage.

(Justification: Through extensive listening, studentswill have a general understanding of this passage.)

(2)Intensive listening

Students should listen to the passage for the secondtime and do the following tasks:

①True or False


②Matching/ Form-filling/Mind mapping

(Justification: Through above listening activities,students will not only understand the main idea and details of this listeningmaterial, but also improve their listening ability. )

Step 3 Post-listening(5 mins)

Group discussion/Do a survey:

Students need to work in groups to discuss thefollowing question/do a survey about _________by using the key words/phrases andsentences.Several minutes will be given. When time's up, severalstudents will be invited to share their answers.Then the teacher will commenton students' performance.

(Justification: This task can arouse students’interest and involve the whole class. Also, by group discussion, students'critical thinking and autonomous learning ability can be developed. /They willbe more confident to share their opinions in public./ They will be willing tocooperate with others.)



Step1. Pre-speaking(8 mins)

1. Read/Listen to the conversation/passage

Students will listen to/read the conversation/passageto get the main idea, then fill in the chart/answer some questions:


2.Learn expressions

The teacher will explain the meaning and usage of thenew words and sentences about the situation ____________and invite students todo some exercises about the new knowledge.

(Justification:With those activities, students will befamiliar with the situation, and accumulate many expressions which can be usedin this situation, making good preparation for the speaking activities.)

Step 2 While-speaking(7 mins)

1. Read after the tape.

The teacher will play the tape and lead students toread after it. Students should pay attention to the pronunciation andintonation. Then they can read the dialogue in roles.

2.Group work

The teacher will set a situation. Students willimagine that _______ and design a dialogue with their group members. Studentswill practice their dialogue.

(Justification: Through those activities, studentswill master the new words and sentence patterns firmly.Students will have adeeper understanding about the topic and usage of the new knowledge, and theycan also have more opportunities to express themselves.)

Step 3 Post-speaking (5 mins)

Display and Evaluation

The teacher will invite some students to share theirdialogues to the whole class and guide other students to evaluate theperformance, then the teacher will make a conclusion.

(Justification: Through this activity, students willregulate their language and work out better ideas or expressions, and they willimprove their speaking skill. Besides, they will be more willing to share theirideas in public and learn from each other.)

这次把听说课和口语课都给放上来了,其实看历年真题在阅读课和写作课比较多,就剩两天啦 大家好好准备吧!还是祝都过!加油!!!


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